Speaker's Viewpoint
Speaker's Viewpoint
Greetings to all
On behalf of Umzimkhulu Municipality I herewith present this short introduction to our website, we despair that you will find a superior way to stay connected with us and get relevant information pertaining things that are happening in our Municipality.
With regards to the objectives of the proper dissemination of communication this is to ensure that different departments of the municipality and stakeholders stay in touch at all times. Section 26 and27 of the local government Municipal systems act 200 (Act 32 of 200) makes realization of the community to be involve community in the municipal affairs. It is indeed a platform to socially engage with our people about their plans, job vacancies, and advertising.
We pledge to improve and enhance service delivery in all key development areas. Oversight role Chapter 4 of the municipal systems act 32 of 2000 makes a realization of community participation in the affairs of programs and the activities of the municipality.
After the sudden death of Cllr. Madlala, the by- elections were held in Ward 1. We would like to applaud and appreciate all political parties and stakeholders who partook in that healthy political race as such we never experience any chaos. As Umzimkhulu, we will continue to display political maturity. It on that note that we would like to congratulate the African National Congress (ANC) for being victorious as Cllr. Mzolisi Godfrey Hlongwane is a new Councillor of Ward 1. We also would like to further encourage Ward Committees and other stakeholders for give him the desired support.
The training of Ward Committees had been fruitfully conducted, this assures us of quality Ward Reports from all wards. Through Rapid Response Committee, ward and service delivery issues are respective dealt with. Council oversight roles are fruitfully implemented hence standing committees continue to fruitfully seat as governance and service delivery issues are discussed and citified there.
Till we meet again.
Cllr. Gugulethu Mavuma
Council Speaker