

Roads are improving

The condition of roads in uMzimkhulu is slowly improving. The Department of transport has injected funds into uMzimkhulu to build and maintain access roads within the municipality and other major routes. The total road network is 1200km long. The majority of the local rural access road is in a poor condition, needing regular maintenance and upgrade. Access to some villages is only possible by light delivery vehicles and it is estimated that 45% of access roads become unusable during the rainy seasons.

The roads in the uMzimkhulu Municipality area can broadly be classified as the following:
The N2 passes immediately South of the Municipality;
The R56, which runs from the N2 through Rietvlei, Ibisi, uMzimkhulu towards Ixopo, Richmond, and Pietermaritzburg;
District Roads;
Local access roads connecting the district roads with the various villages

Most of the roads in uMzimkhulu are repaired and maintained by the Department of Transport. Some rural roads are under the care of the Municipality.