Municipal Manager's Viewpoint
Municipal Manager's Viewpoint
Greeting to all
It gives us great pleasure once again to engage you in this platform as we aspire to maximise our communication platforms with the view to excellent in public participation.
This is one of paramount seasons in the municipal terrain as we are at the last quarter in our financial year, that had been enjoying the fulfilling episodes and not so fulfilling episodes. We have executed our operational plans and organisational score card as we had been accounting on monthly basis. It is pleasing to report that our accountability on Municipal Infrastructure Grant is also showing high level of maturity. Our budget adjustment phase was also quite strenuous as we had to chop and change our financial muscle to implement the desired service commitments, it is with comfort to indicate that we are fruitfully sailing.
As the contract the contract of the EPWP came to an end, we are at the advance stage to ensuring that the identified beneficiaries are appointed.
Our Internal Audit Committee has fruitfully met and gave much encouraging comments which means that we are looking forward to being audited by the Auditor General whilst we are completing the last quarter of the 2023/2024 Financial Year.
Till we meet again, stay blessed.
Mr. Andile Christopher Ngqoyiya
Municipal manager